2018.08.06. 11:45
Activity Report
on the “Connecting towns for a stronger Europe” event
Date: July 27-29.07.2018
Place: Cherechiu, Bihor County, Romania
No. of participants: 255 persons
The “Connecting towns for a stronger Europe” event took place in Cherechiu
between July 27-29. The event allowed twinned towns to meet and help them strengthen their
connections, the municipalities are the following: Municipality of Cherechiu from Romania,
Municipalities of Kokad, Kereki, Ujfeherto, Felsotelekes, Ocsod, Naszalt and
Szentgyogyrvolgy from Hungary, Dlha Ves from Slovakia, Municipality of Motrajevci from
Slovenia, from with wich the following towns entered the partnership in recent years: Kokad
Commune (2013) – Hungary, Kereki (2014) – Hungary, Újfehértó (July 2015) – Hungary and
Dlha Ves (Gömörhosszúszó) Commune (2013) – Slovakia, Motvajevci (Szécsiszentlászló)
Commune (2016). The formal agreement between Cherechiu and Felsotelekes and
Szentgyorgyvolgy took place at the event.
A total number of 255 participants from the above-mentioned communes attended the
three-day event, 190 of which were foreign guests.
The three-day event took place from Friday to Sunday, each day being centred on a
different theme.
Friday, July 27, 2018 – „Past and future – A Bridge for Europe”
Saturday, July 28, 2018 – „Solidarity The Only Way for a Unitesd Europe”
Sunday, July 29, 2018 – „The future of Europe”
The project aim was to encourage understanding and debating Euroscepticism by
explaining the benefits of EU policies. Also encouraging development of networks,
volunteering and solidarity for combating stigmatization of "immigrants" and building
counter narratives to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding all this related to
debates on the Future of Europe. The purpose of this event was to stimulate debates,
reflections, volunteering and
Friday, July 27, 2018 – „Past and future – A Bridge for Europe”:
The programmes on Friday were opened by Nyíri Sándor, the mayor of Cherechiu
Commune from Romania, who greeted the guests, presenting them the programme for the
following days, including the themes which were debated or presented, and the activities
during the weekend. After this opening ceremony each commune were asked to present their
commune’s history and the changes, as well as the achievements since the last town twinning
meeting, which was in 2016. For this each ten commune presented their commune with a
power point presentation, their challenges and progress during the last years, problems which
affected the people from each represented commune, answering all the questions after. Each
of the participants was given a program with useful information included.
After the one hour lunch break, the program continued with a debate with the
following theme “Conflict and Peace in Europe”, this theme was first presented by Novák
Tamás fom Hosszúszó, following by a pro-contra debate, where the participants could discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of the EU parliament and its working mechanism, also the
steps made by the EU regarding to discrimination and integration of minorities.
On this line, the program continued with screening a documentary with the theme
“The discovery of the European Union” highlighting the history of the EU, its values and
opportunities, its progress, about its positive and negative sides on the Vest European
countries like Romania or Hungary, form economical, demographical, political and
infrastructural point of views, since being
in the EU brings many benefits to some,
but for others it doesn’t have the same
effect. The evening continued by a
presentation by Varga Zsuzsa from
Szentgyörgyvölgy about
“Euroscepticism- message to Europe”,
regarding to the previous programs, the
debate and the screening, the quests
discussed their point of view, on why the
Euroscepticism is still on discuss, and why it is an urgent topic to solve, and here they brought
up “Brexit” which had impact even on their work and progress, “Brexit” and Euroscepticism
been connected, because of the media and the different stigmatisms in each region. In
conclusion the scepticism is caused by strict rules and regulations, common legislation and
strong national identities.
In the end of the first day was held a traditional evening with regional dances and
traditional songs. Among the performers were a rock band from Diosig, Haverock, and a strict
traditional performance with Pontos József, from Chesereu, who performed for the
participants folk songs and dances, including them in the show, teaching them the a
traditional dance from the Hungarian folklore.
In conclusion we can say that the objective of the first day were met, since we
promoted the fight against stigmatism, tolerance and integration, and nonetheless we
promoted the maintenance of close partnership between the participants
Saturday, July 28, 2018 – „Solidarity The Only Way for a United Europe”
Regarding to our central theme, Saturday’s program was opened by a theatre play with
title: “Solidarity means involvement”, the play was open for everybody, with a donationbased
This was followed by a culinary tasting, which was
prepared in an outdoor cooking contest, each team
preparing their own local dish, and then presenting
them, and the preparation mode, even with a sotry
behind the receipt. With this contest, named „Visit
throguh European cuisine”, the aim to promote
acceptance and tolerance was reached. The following
program, a debate about “Opportunities in the EU”,
was presented by Molnár Bálint from Öcsöd, where
the participants were separated in groups of 10 people, and discussing in these groups the
positive and negative effects of the opportunities, which included the youth migration from
their home land, the possibilities of the learning systems, like Erasmus+, and the voluntary
program EVS, for the youth, where they have the possibility to learn more, and to create
better connections. From economical point of view, about investors creating jobs in these
countries, but in the same time exploiting the youth, and the labour market, due to the regional
labour law system.
On the following hours a creative workshop
was held for the participants with “Integration of
immigrants is a two-way process” theme, in which
the participants showed and explained their point of
view on this topic, followed by a European Evening
with the theme of “Different But Equal-Fighting
Stigmatism” including performances by many
dance groups and music bands, such as the local
kindergarten folklore show, with traditional folk songs and dance, extreme moto-show, award
winning Stihl Timbersports show, Fitt Dance from Cherechiu, Tini Dance Center, and live
concerts of Mulatós Menyecskék, Kontor Tamás, Majsai Gábor, Rudan Joe Acoustic concert,
followed by the fireworks.
Sunday, July 29, 2018 – „The future of Europe”
On the last day of our event, the main theme was “The future of Europe”, according to
this theme, in the morning hours the participants discussed about „Sharing experiences for a
stronger Europe”, where the 10 communes discussed about their problems, and how they
would cope with them. They discussed and exchanged ideas and had a brainstorming
regarding this topic, in order to raise the participants’ awareness on their responsibility in
taking part in EU’s future. This discussion was coordinated by Toth Anikó from Naszály.
After this program, there was a parade of the tours
through Chesereu village, with 15 carriages, where the
participants had the opportunity to have a ride on a carriage,
which was followed by a multiple performances by choir
teams from Chesereu and Cherechiu. The next topic was
discussed by a brainstorming, the theme being “The importance of involving citizens in
decision-making”, which was coordinated by Osváth István from Kokad who told the
participants the importance of freedom of speech and opinion, he underlined the fact, that
every person’s idea and opinion is important in decision making, the EU being a Union for the
European citizens. As well Nyíri Sándor, the mayor of Cherechiu Commune expressed his
opinion, for this topic, explaining that his decisions depends on the opinions and needs of the
people living in this commune.
The representatives then went to sign the cooperation agreement,
with Felsotelkes and Szentgyorgyvolgy’s representatives for the
future cooperation, becoming twin-towns, and creating a stronger
communication between them.
In conclusion, the objectives of this weekend were reached, by promoting democratic
participation in decision making, fighting stigmatism, promoting tolerance, diversity, creating
a stronger relationship between the participant communes, between the four countries, and
signing the cooperation agreement.
The foreign guests were provided with 2 nights accommodations in the period between
July 27-29, 2018.
2 nights * 190 persons
Catering service:
The participants received meals during the entire duration of the event.
Breakfast: 2 days * 255 persons
Lunch: 3 days * 255 persons
Dinner: 2 days * 255 persons
Travel services:
The company providing travel services transported all the foreign participants to their
2 days x 190 persons